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High Intensity Focused Ultrasound


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High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, HIFU is a revolutionary treatment is that specifically targets lines and wrinkles on the face and neck. It is clinically proven to get results only previously attainable through surgery or invasive procedures such as Botox.

Harnessing the power of ultrasound to safely lift and tighten the skin. Unlike similar treatments such as laser or radio frequency, the high intensity focused ultrasound can penetrate deeper into the skin, targeting skin breakdown at its foundation layer, where structural weakening starts. 

HIFU uses concentrated beams of ultrasound energy to rejuvenate the skin in precisely targeted areas. The treatment acts to tighten the dermis, and promotes new sub-dermal collagen formation.  Overall skin retraction will, of course, depend on the specific individual.

Drooping skin makes your eyes look tired and changes the contours of the neck and chin. How great it would be if you could fight the signs of ageing without surgery? High-intensity focused ultrasound firms and lifts your skin for a non-surgical facelift and neck lift.

Why Chose HIFU?

Impressive results in 1 session

Immediately after the treatment some tightening of the skin is observed, and the effect increases over the following 3 – 6 months due to new collagen formation in conjunction with the continued retraction of the connective tissue matrix. You will continue to see a visible reduction in fine lines and wrinkles and a notable improvement in facial contouring.

Results Can Last Up to 18 Months

The immediate effects of your treatment will continue to develop over time and many clients continue to experience a more contoured look for up to 18 months post treatment.

Clinically Proven & Safe Technology

HIFU technology has been around for many years and has undergone a range of                                to demonstrate its effectiveness in delivering facial rejuvenation and skin-tightening effects in the treatment area.

Lifts the Face & Firms the Neck

HIFU provides similar benefits to a traditional facelift working to rejuvenate the skin and tighten the muscles only without the surgery, pain or downtime. HIFU can be used wherever the skin starts to sag of lose suppleness. For the face, this is typically under the chin, around the jawline, around the eyes and under the brows.

No Downtime

There is no downtime required after a HIFU non-surgical treatment. Because of the restored elasticity your skin will feel renewed, softer and more supple.

Penetrates Below Skin’s Surface

Using the latest HIFU technology, which can penetrate up to 4.5mm below the skin’s surface to go beyond the dermis into the subcutaneous tissue to tighten the superficial muscle layer (SMAS) where the skin starts to weaken.

What happens during a HIFU Treatment?

Your therapist will cleanse and tone the skin prior to treatment, the face is then marked out with a white pencil to ensure the correct areas will be targeted. Our in-house Hyaluronic Acid Serum is applied to the skin and the handpiece lightly pressed to the skin. Each ultrasound shot is carried out one by one across the skin with each necessary cartridge. The excess Hyaluronic acid will be removed and any finishing products will be applied.

  • Procedure time - 30 minutes – 2 hours depending on treatment area

  • Results can be seen from 1 treatment; some clients may repeat treatment to achieve their desired result.

  • No numbing needed

  • No patch test required

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